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New to Adagio?
Start Here!
Tell us a little about yourself and what you're looking for...

Step 2.
* Create a family account in our online system
* Add your dancer(s)
* Select and add your dancer to classes on our schedule!
* Read through all of the policies and click the boxes to accept them
* Add your payment method and set to AUTO PAY
* Complete registration by processing your payment
Create your
account here:
*Please note*
* Your total due at checkout will include your $50 annual registration fee per dancer*
* You must complete registration all the way through checkout... *
If you do not complete by the end of the day, the system will automatically remove your dancer from the class!
Visit our ONLINE STORE to purchase your dancewear!

Step 4.
Save and/or Print
Policies and Calendars
to stay in the loop for the season!
Step 5.
Get excited and ready for classes
to start the week of
September 9, 2024!

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